Building an NHS fit for the future

Supporting elective backlog recovery and increasing capacity demands of 40,000 NHS appointments per week - without running premium rate clinics or adding to the workload of NHS staff. 



 Admin hours saved by by making the waitlist validation process digital in the last 12 months.


Number of patients successfully validated in the last 12 months.


Savings from making the waitlist validation process digital in the last 12 months.

Create capacity, in an instant

Sustainably expand your NHS appointment capacity without premium-rate working. Tackle the elective backlog with smart, automated clinic utilisation and waiting list validation processes.

Kier Starmer’s Initiative (4)

How much you could save?

Find out how much yearly savings Clinic Optimiser could have for your Trust.


Spill risk is likelihood that the number of patients attending is less than the clinic capacity.

High - for every 100 overbooking events, over 95 are successful over-bookings and in less than 5, both attend). 

Medium - 

Low - 


Additional Slots Filled:

Spilled Slots (appointments where both patients showed up):


Clinic Optimiser

Fill gaps, not waiting rooms

Strategically manage patient flow to reduce waiting lists, increase appointment capacity and ensure clinics have the right number of patients in the right place, at the right time.

Smart Forecasting

Dynamic Clinic Utilisation

Attendance Threshold

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Automate high-value, repetitive tasks

Combine processes to lighten your team's workload and reduce waiting lists in as little as two weeks.

Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 14.28.10

Simplify your pathways

Eliminate repetitive tasks

Drive operational excellence

 Download: Our approach to help deliver 40,000 more NHS appointments each week

Supporting elective backlog recovery, nationwide

"Before DrDoctor, we had to call patients multiple times before writing to them about their need for an appointment. Now we're able to validate thousands of patients in just a few clicks."

Why DrDoctor?

Dedicated Transformation Team

Collaborating hand-in-hand with care teams to ensure our technology boosts clinical and operational productivity as you scale.

Seamless integration with our +40 PAS/EPR/RIS suppliers, allowing your staff to continue working from the systems they know and use every day.
Analytics & Data Sharing

Share data insights with multiple systems for a unified view of your Trust's digital care delivery and operations with DrData reporting.