DRDoCTOR • Mental Health

Deliver a joined-up care experience focused on interactions, not transactions

Activate service users with continuous engagement to avoid health escalation and enable early intervention, empowering them to take better control of their mental health.

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Fewer missed appointments (DNAs) in the last 12 months.



Service users using the DrDoctor platform every day across 70+ NHS Trusts and Health Boards.

£63.5 million

Value delivered to the NHS in the last 12 months.

Connecting the fragmented care journey 

The future of Mental Health service delivery is less about transactional care, and more about driving meaningful interactions. By connecting the fragmented care journey, care providers can deliver holistic models of care whilst empowering and supporting service users to take more control of their health journey.

For healthcare professionals

  • Who want to reach, communicate and engage with service users over time, but are hindered by outdated systems, communications and processes.

  • Who struggle to activate service users and accurately stratify and triage care, due to limited access to up-to-date patient data.

  • Who are hindered by the lack of interoperability between other systems, leading to gaps in care delivery and treatment planning.

For service users

  • Who feel 'lost in the system' due to the disconnect in services, hospital admin systems and lack of communication between departments.

  • Who want more control of their care journey, appointments and access to care plans and resources.

  • Who seek more continuity and interactions with their care providers, but are hindered by traditional, outdated methods. 
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Enabling joined-up care and engagement across the system 

  • Activate Care

  • Increase Admin Productivity

  • Reduce No-Shows

  • Stratify & Triage


Activate service users on their care journey

Ensure service users feel in control of their mental health along each step of the care journey, with access to mental health information and care plans online anytime, anywhere.


  • Care Plans: Co-create customised care plans with service users, automatically extracted from the EPR and surfaced in the portal for access at any time.

  • Symptom Tracking: View and track a service users' symptoms over time to avoid condition escalation and identify correlations between trackers.

  • Mood Diaries: Encourage service users to self-reflect and record thoughts and feelings in a comfortable environment with access to mood diary entires.


Reduce the admin burden on stretched teams

Save money, time and paper by adopting a hybrid mailing solution. Grant admin teams more flexibility in how they reach service users to deliver continued engagement over time.


  • Digital Letters: Quickly send comprehensive appointment and clinical information to service users. Cut manual printing and posting costs by 70%.

  • Messaging: Reach service users with realtime, two-way communication to strengthen relationships and fill last-minute appointment slots.


Reduce DNA rates by up to 30%

Grant service users more control of their appointment schedules and ensure costly appointments never go to waste.


  • Appointment Notifications: Reduce DNA rates with automated SMS and email reminders and notifications, keeping service users informed about their appointments.

  • Request-based Rescheduling: Quickly process requests at scale by allowing service users to request changes to their appointments online or via SMS.

  • Predicting Attendance: Identify and predict service users at the highest risk of missing an appointment. Generate prioritised call lists, enabling booking teams to allocate resources effectively and proactively intervene.

Tackle growing waitlists, at scale and pace

Gather pre/post-clinic information remotely to quickly stratify waitlists, triage care and make informed clinical decisions.


  • Online Forms: Co-create customised questionnaires to triage waitlists up to 70% faster. Deliver 'whole-person' care and monitor the physical health of service users, identifying potential patterns with mental health conditions over time.

  • Customised Resource Hub: Empower service users to Wait Well with access to personalised videos, articles and events, and recommend specific resources as their symptoms change over time.

I would recommend any parent who has a child with ADHD to use this platform. It's helped our family with our son. I can't thank the clinic enough for for allowing me to use the platform and for all the help and support they give to my son and family."

Why choose DrDoctor?

Transformation Experts

Our dedicated team supports 70+ NHS Trusts with a swift digital transformation experience, working hand-in-hand to ensure our technology maximises productivity and engagement as you scale.

Seamless integration with Access Rio, EMIS, Civica and more, allowing your staff to continue working from the systems they know and use every day.
Analytics & Data Sharing

Share data insights with multiple systems for a unified view of your Trusts' care delivery and diary trackers with DrData reporting.

Ready to get started?

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Lauren Wybrow

Commercial Manager - Mental Health
